Wednesday, August 29, 2012


P H O T O G R A P H Y – Honestly speaking, what comes in to my mind whenever I hear this word I’ll say it’s an ART. It’s a creative way to express your true feelings. Actually, taking photographs is really not my thing; I’m really bad in taking photos. Having these simple tips in photography makes me want to learn more. That's why I find this activity a bit challenging in my part.

These are the photos I’ve captured during the limited time that we have. Actually, I don't have any idea how to start it, even though tips were explained very well. It's just that my mind was strained because of the activity. As what I have said, photography is not my thing. What I did is that I just randomly took pictures and following the tips that were discussed and eventually, I just enjoyed doing it.

As you can see the photos that were posted above are amateur shots, it’s really far from the professional photographers. But having these workshop help me gain an interest in photography and appreciate those captured moments. It also made me realized that capturing a moment is an amazing thing. Even though you take photographs randomly, it’s still count as a memory that would last forever.

- Almosa, Kimberly Ann M.
 LC -  202C

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